Every time you speak to a hairstylist your hair type gets brought up. If you go online to look for information on your hair it also talks about and asks you to determine your hair type but most of us either don’t have the slightest clue or have been misinformed about what your actual hairtype is! UNTIL NOW…

In this post today we will walk through the different hair types including, hair texture, hair density and figuring out the thickness (or thinness) of your particular hair. I’m even gonna throw in a little bonus lesson at the end that will teach you about how to figure out if your hair is healthy, dry or damaged! So, make sure you read all the way to the end!

First of all, let’s talk about why you should know what your hair type is. When is this information ever really needed in life?!

All the time actually!!

Your hair type plays a role in what kind of shampoo and conditioner you should be using. The styling products you should put on it daily, weekly, or monthly. How much heat your hair can handle. If you need to be more aware about needing sun protection. It comes into play when figuring out how to book your hair appointment at the salon. You also want to consider your hair type when choosing a haircut or color.

There is actually no day that goes by when knowing your hair type is NOT a valuable piece of information to have about yourself! That is of course, only if you want healthy hair!

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The hair has a few factors that go into figuring out  its type. Each factor has many possibilities within it. Generally speaking, don’t get hung up on the details too much. What you want to do is figure out the general answers to each of the categories and consider them when making decisions about your hair, like the ones I talked about above.

I’m going to list the different hair type categories and you will see a blank space after it. Go through the explanations about each hair category and decide what type your hair is and fill out the answer in the blank space below.

Hair Type Categories:

  • Diameter __________

  • Density ____________

  • Texture ____________

Diameter is the thickness (or thinness) of each individual hair strand.

The simplest way to do this is to take 1 hair strand (it can still be attached to your head) and put it between your thumb and pointer finger and roll it around.

If you can’t feel the hair when you are doing this it means you have a FINE hair diameter.

If you feel it but its pretty slight to almost not there…you have a MEDIUM or NORMAL hair density.

If you roll the hair aorund in your fingers and you undoubted feel it or also feel tiny ridges in your hair you have a COURSE hair type.

Let’s move on now to TEXTURE!

Texture can be a little more difficult to determine because it has many mini factors. Examples of what your texture could be are, straight, frizzy, wavy, curly, kinky…etc.

The only way to determine your hairs texture is to let it air dry naturally.

If you have dries straight then straight is what you have.

If your hair dries with some bend in it and areas that don’t fall all the way straight but there isn’t a real “S” pattern, we call that wavy.

If your hair dries with multiple “S” patterned waves on each strand of hair we call that swavy.

Hair that dries with an actual spiral curl to each strand or most strands is a curly hair texture.

If you have dries with “Z” patterns all the way from the root to the ends in a very tight pattern, then you have a kinky hair texture!

I swear it is really that easy!

Let’s now dive into density!!

Density is the amount of hair you have on your head. It could be made VERY cmoplicated but what it really comes down to is this…

Pinch a small amount of hair together about an inch away from your scalp. The amount of hai ryou actually pick up does not matter. What you need to do is push your fingers toward your scalp.

If when your fingers get closer to your scalp and your hair starts to bow out you CAN see your scalp, you have THIN hair.

If when you do this you can barely see your scalp but you can a little you have NORMAL hair density.

If you do this and you cannot see your scalp at all between the hairs, you have THICK hair!

Congratulations you now know your HAIR TYPE!!

Use this information to help you pick out your hair products and to learn ho wot style your hair!

Did you know if you have fine hair you actually should be using a lower temperture on your blow dryer and flat irons?

Or that if you have curly hair you need MORE moisture than someone who has naturally straight hair?

What about this little fun fact? The hair structure is the same, no matter whose head it is on.

Therefore, the main differences are in these details!

Have fun figuring out your hair type!

If you have any questions or comments leave them below. I would also love to know any topics about your hair that you would like to learn more about so I can add them to my list!
