The world we live in today is full of ways that we are putting extra strain on our hair, leaving us in need of a highly moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner. I get the question from my clients all the time in various different forms.
“Why isn’t my hair shiny?”
“How come my hair is so tangly?”
“My hair just feels lifeless and I just can’t figure out what it is!”
Do any of these questions sound like something you have said about your hair recently? I have two things to say…
You are NOT alone and there IS a very easy solution!
When your hair is lacking moisture it will tangle more and lose its silky flowy feel. It’ll lose its shine and you could even feel some scalp sensitivity that could be related as well!
The good thing is…it’s probably not anything a good moisturizing shampoo and conditioner can’t fix!
Now there are some limitations here. If you haven’t gotten your haircut in 6 months…you should definitely start there before trying to fix these problems with shampoo and conditioner. No matter what, your hair needs to be trimmed in order to keep the ends healthy.
Even if you are growing your hair out, I recommend never going longer than 3 months between haircuts. Your hair will inevitably get some split ends and the longer you go before snipping them, the higher up they will climb your hair shaft leaving you with needing to cut more off in the end!
I have had many many many clients try to become the exception to that rule and I haven’t seen one come back happy with their experiment. Trust me on this one!
If you are maintaining regular haircuts and you are still experiencing these issues with your hair, you may also want to look at your hair care routine. I have written a great article with my ideal haircare routine for maintaining healthy hair including a few of my favorite products and a weekly deep conditioning treatment.
5. Bumble and Bumble Quenching Shampoo and Conditioner
Bumble and Bumble’s Quenching Shampoo and Conditioner is a go-to for somebody looking for a great sulfate free option for moisturizing their hair. The scent is clean and mellow making it a great option for men women and kids. It is perfectly easy enough on the hair to be used daily and safe enough for any type of hair.
4. Kerastase Bain Satin Shampoo and Conditioner 
Kerastase is our higher-end option for a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. It has a beautiful floral scent making it the perfect option for a lady that loves the smell throughout the day. This shampoo and conditioner is safe for color treated or chemically altered hair of any kind.
3. Alterna Caviar Anti-Aging Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner
Alterna’s Caviar Shampoo and Conditioner is a great way to rewind the clock and get the lustrous shine back into your hair. This shampoo and conditioner is a very lightweight option for ageing hair. This is also a great option for daily washers and those using a lot of hot tools. You don’t realize how much distress you are putting on your hair with high heat!
2. Cezanne Shampoo and Conditioner 
Cezanne is known for their incredible non-toxic hair smoothing treatment that completely removes frizz from your hair for 3-5 months and THIS is the shampoo and conditioner that is prescribed to go along with it. Did you know though you can get a taste of the magic by using this shampoo and conditioner? I use this on my clients that have thick frizzy unmanageable hair to help me give them a frizz-free blow out at the end of their appointment. I get a great result even when they don’t have the full treatment done to their hair. Using this shampoo and conditioner in your hair is sure to help you achieve similar looks when used as your regular shampoo and conditioner!
1. AG Haircare Balance and Boost Shampoo and Conditioner
Last on our list but DEFINITELY not least we have the AG Haircare Balance and Boost Shampoo and Conditioner. This is my absolute favorite on the list because not only does it moisturizing the hair but it balanced out the ph with apple cider vinegar while moisturizing with ingredients like coconut, mango seed butter, rapeseed oil, rosehip oil, olive leaf extract, shea butter and hydrolyzed quinoa. Don’t worry though they make it smell amazing with a blend of essential oils. My clients always say it smells like an island vacation and leave their hair SO SHINY and SO SOFT and exactly the way I want them to feel leaving my chair!
I also really love that this is an affordable product that my clients can use at home.
If you try any of these shampoo and conditioners out make sure and let me know what you thought of them in the comments below, or TAG me on Instagram @makersmakeparlor or use my hashtag #makersmakeparlor
I can’t wait to hear what you guys think!
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